Why We Have Expectations For Our Clients

Thanks for choosing and entrusting The Lockwood Legal Group, llc to represent your legal interests. You have chosen the most resolute and hardworking attorneys in the country. As you roll your eyes, I can promise you, obtaining representation from another law firm, you are not likely to find yourself talking to your lawyer much on the phone. Instead, sadly, you will find yourself talking to legal interns, secretaries, and paralegals. Very rarely will you have the chance to talk directly to your own lawyer. Not so with The Lockwood Legal Group, llc.


Obviously, our attorneys cannot spend all their time on the phone and emailing clients; otherwise, nothing would ever get done. Having said that, when you email with a member of our team, it will almost always be with attorney Lockwood or another counsel within our firm. The same goes when you have phone conversations or email correspondences  with members of our firm.


As a customer, you undoubtably have expectations of the type of quality of legal representation you expect. The purpose of the firm expectations section of our website is to outline our expectations for our clients. Believe it or not, we do have expectations for our clients. These expectations are drafted to insure the robust growth of the attorney Client relationship.


While the outcome of cases always depends upon the facts and the law, a breakdown in the attorney client relationship can sometimes make the difference between winning and losing a case.


That is what the firm expectations section of our blog is intended to explain. Please visit the firm expectations section of our blog and read those posts.


If you believe you might have a legal issue, contact us using our contact form page.