Are There Any Conditions for Expungement in Indiana?

Are There Any Conditions for Expungement in Indiana? In addition to the waiting period noted in our expungement in Indiana section, eligibility for expungement also depends on satisfying certain conditions. Individuals seeking expungement of records regarding arrests, charges, and juvenile delinquency adjudications must also satisfy these requirements: At least one year since the arrest, charge, […]


What Crimes Can Be Expunged in Indiana?

What Crimes Can Be Expunged in Indiana? Whether a criminal record is eligible for expungement in Indiana depends on several factors: The nature of the record (whether the record pertains to an arrest, charge, or conviction) The level of the offense involved The amount of time that has passed since the arrest, charge, or conviction […]


How long does an expungement stay on your record in Indiana?

How Long Does an Expungement Stay on Your Record in Indiana? Under Indiana Code § 35-38-9-1, court records that are expunged must be permanently sealed. After an expungement, no future background checks by criminal justice personnel or agencies such as prospective employers, landlords, lending agents, professional licensing authorities, and educational institutions will have access to […]


Do Expunged Records Show on Background Checks?

Do Expunged Records Show on Background Checks? Expunged records do not show up on background checks run by criminal justice persons or agencies. A background check run by prospective employers, landlords, lending agents, professional licensing authorities, and educational institutions would not reveal your criminal history, if accessing these expunged court records. However, background checks run […]


Can a Protective Order Be Expunged In Indiana?

Can a Protective Order Be Expunged In Indiana? Records regarding protective order proceedings under Indiana Code chapter 34-26-5 are eligible for expungement in the same way an arrest, charge, or conviction can be expunged. As long as you are otherwise eligible to have your records expunged, you can petition to have the protective order records […]


What criminal records can be expunged in Indiana

What Criminal Records Can Be Expunged? If approved by a court, an expungement would limit access to the following elements of a criminal record: Arrests Criminal charges Criminal convictions Delinquency adjudications Trial court records Appellate court records Civil forfeiture records Protective orders Under Indiana Code chapter 35-38-9, criminal records in any of these categories and […]


Do I Need an Expungement?

Do I Need an Expungement? Anyone with an Internet connection can see your criminal record. Potential employers, landlords, and licensing organizations are just a few of the entities that inquire about an individual’s criminal record. Whether they obtain a formal background check or merely check the state’s online case history portal, your criminal record is […]


What Is an Expungement?

Everyone makes mistakes. While some are more serious then others, we at The Lockwood Legal Group believe everyone deserves a second chance at life. For those who have a criminal record, the process by which these persons can obtain this second chance is called expungement of a criminal record. What Is an Expungement? Expungement is […]


Outstanding Warrants for Failing to Appear at Court

Missing a criminal court date in Indiana is far more serious than simply missing an appointment. You can be charged with a separate, additional criminal offense of failure to appear under Indiana law.  The result could be additional jail time and fines separate from any originating charges that brought you to court in the first […]


Expunging DUI Conviction In Indiana

Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing about making mistakes is not whether someone makes them. It is what we do with our lives after. Unfortunately, when it comes to criminal offences, changing one’s life after making a mistake is often extremely difficult. This can especially be true when it comes to DUI and OVWI convictions […]