Indiana Semi Truck Accident Claim Process

Indiana Semi Truck Accident Claim Process   While most individuals will never have to deal with the process of filing an Indiana truck accident claim, others won’t be so lucky. The impact of a truck accident can be especially devastating, leaving the victim to wonder what to expect to happen along the way. Law firms in Indianapolis and […]


A Guide to Large Truck Accidents in Indiana

A Guide to Large Truck Accidents in Indiana   If you get into an accident with a big rig, delivery truck, or any other commercial truck, there are some things you need to know if you hope to receive compensation for your injuries.   Picture this: A commercial truck weighing 80,000 pounds and standing 14 […]


Indiana Drunk Driving Laws, Penalties, and Consequences

Indiana Drunk Driving Laws, Penalties, and Consequences   Below you will learn about the penalties for an OWI/DUI conviction in Indiana.   Indiana officially uses the term “operating while intoxicated” (OWI) instead of “driving under the influence” (DUI). However, some people still use DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated) to refer […]


How Long Does A DUI/DWI Conviction Remain On Your Criminal Record

How Long Does a DUI/DWI Conviction Stay on Your Criminal Record?   DUI convictions generally “washout” after a certain period of time and no longer count as priors. The consequences you face for a DUI/DWI conviction depend on various factors. However, among these factors, the number of prior DUI convictions you have tends to be […]


First OWI offense in Indiana

The administrative and criminal penalties for a first OWI/DUI in Indiana. In Indiana, driving under the influence (DUI) is generally referred to as “operating while intoxicated” (OWI). A person can be convicted of OWI for driving a vehicle: with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or more (learn how BAC is related to the […]


Can I Refuse a DUI Blood Test in Indiana

Can I Refuse a DUI Blood Test in Indiana?   Under the Indiana implied consent law, you impliedly consent to submit to a portable breath test (PBT) or chemical test by law enforcement when you drive on Indiana roads. In other words, you have impliedly agreed to be tested for intoxication if a law enforcement officer […]


What Does BAC Mean

What Does BAC Mean   In every state, you can get a DUI if you drive with a BAC of .08% or more. And an especially high BAC can increase the already-severe penalties for DUI. But what exactly does “BAC” mean?   blood alcohol concentration   “BAC” is short for “blood alcohol concentration”—a measurement of […]


What is the Penalty for a First DUI In Indiana

What Are the penalties for a First DUI in Indiana   This article explains generally the administrative and criminal penalties you may face for a first DUI (referred to as OWI in Indiana)   operating while intoxicated   In Indiana, driving under the influence (DUI) is generally referred to as “operating while intoxicated” (OWI). A […]


Challenging Blood Alcohol Tests in DUI Cases

DUI Blood Alcohol Testing   This article explains generally how law enforcement uses blood tests to measure blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in drunk driving investigations, referred to as Operating While Intoxicated OWI in Indiana) and how the defense can challenge the results in court.   The implied consent laws of all states require drivers who […]


What are the Penalties for a First DUI in Indiana?

Anyone is capable of a slight mistake or error in judgment and, unfortunately, even just a few drinks can turn into a drunk driving arrest. In Indiana, the term “Operating While Intoxicated” (OWI) refers to driving while impaired by the effects of alcohol, but the implications are the same as in many other states: You […]