How is Property Divided In A Michigan Divorce

In Michigan, the marital property division follows the rule of “equitable distribution.”   It’s important to note, this does not mean that the property needs to be divided down the middle in a 50/50 fashion. This simply means that there’s a presumption that the property will be fair and divided in an appropriate fashion with […]


What gets decided during a custody hearing

What Gets Decided in My Custody Case?   Your custody case will address the issues of custody (who the child lives with and who makes decisions for the child), parenting time, and child support.   Legal Custody and Physical Custody   There are two types of custody, legal and physical.   Legal custody   Legal […]


When is a parent unfit for custody

When Is a Parent Unfit for Custody There are times when a couple is separated, and one of the parents is unfit to care for the child. An unfit parent is defined as someone who is unable to provide the proper care and guidance a child needs in a home. When an unfit parent raises […]


Frequently asked Michigan child custody questions

Who will get custody of our child? Below our attorneys provide answers to frequently ask question with regards to Michigan child custody laws.The Michigan Child Custody Act presumes it is in the best interests of a child to have a strong relationship with both parents. Courts in Michigan use 12 factors called the best interest […]


General Information About Orders of Protection

General Information About Orders of Protection   An Order of Protection is also known as a Protective Order. It is an order you get from the court that tells someone to leave you alone. Of course, it is only a piece of paper, and it is not absolute protection against violence. However, it certainly can […]


Do I Have To Pay Taxes On Alimony?

Do you have to pay income taxes on alimony you receive from a divorce? Like most legal questions, the answer is it depends. Alimony is not taxable income unless the former spouse paying alimony takes those payments off as a tax deduction. Alimony payments are an allowable deduction in the federal income tax code. But, […]