Why is there a fifteen day hold on settlement checks

There is a common scam out there. It goes something like this. Someone will contact an attorney or law firm. They claim they have a large case which needs to be settled. They sign a contract with the firm. The opposing party suddenly is interested in settling. A check is mailed to the firm.   […]


Why did my attorney just send me questions to answer from the opposing attorney?

Why did my attorney just send me questions to answer from the opposing attorney?   We have covered the process of discovery as well as its different forms throughout our blog. The process of discovery is often confusing to clients. For many of them, the case we represent them on is the first time they […]


How Are Wrongful Death Settlements Paid Out

How Are Wrongful Death Settlements Paid Out?   Dealing with the death of a loved one caused by someone else’s negligence can be devastating. You may receive some benefits through your loved one’s life insurance, but that might not alleviate the financial and emotional burden that you feel.   You may be able to pursue […]


Why do You Need the Name of my Medical Insurance Provider

Why the name of your medical insurer is important   This post is part of the firm’s section titled What Personal injury Client’s Should Know section. Please be sure to read the posts in this section.   If you are a personal injury client, you might think the process of litigation is simple. We have […]


Handling Minor’s Claims For Personal Injury

HANDLING MINOR’S CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL INJURIES   As personal injury counsel, we are often faced with the difficult task of working on behalf of injured children and their families. As parents, we understand that injuries to children can involve devastating and heartbreaking situations and present unique legal issues which practitioners need to consider.   When […]


Sue For Pain And Suffering And Settlement Amounts In Michigan

Pain and suffering is an important element of compensation in all Michigan personal injury cases.  These types of claims are considered “non-economic” damages, meaning that the amount cannot be precisely stated in a dollar amount.    Our personal injury attorneys at The Lockwood Legal Group, use our skill and experience to maximize the amount of […]


The Process of Car Accident Cases

Car accidents happen every day in Indiana, but few people face the devastating injuries of a serious car accident more than once, if ever, in their lives. When our Indianapolis car accident attorneys at The Lockwood Legal Group, LLChelp injured individuals and families, we typically are providing legal representation to people who have been suddenly […]


How Your Own Insurance Company Can Become Your Adversary

Filing a lawsuit against someone who injures you appears easy on all the television shows. It goes something like this. 1. someone suffers injuries from the wrongful act of another 2. they find a good lawyer 3. they obtain a judgement awarding them money to compensate them for their injuries 4. They sale off into […]